I operate on a no-fear basis pretty much all the time when it comes to cancer massage, and life in general for that matter. [Having had a near death experience will do that for you.] Thorough discussion w/ clients of their chemo meds, radiation treatments, etc and a good strong dose of compassion keeps me where I need to be and has thus far kept me strong and healthy.
Male clients have had radioactive pellets implanted for prostate cancer. They waited 2 or 3 days post implant to recieve massage so as to decrease the radioactive exposure to me just as they did when the slept in the same bed with their significant others. As one man put it, "Don't want you to get anything that will hurt you - I need you to help me get better!" I'm protected by them as much as I try to help them.
The single mom w/ the 12 yr old son recieved both chemo and radiation therapies. During 1 particular phase of her chemo she was getting some pretty dreadful chemicals that could have made me physically ill had I touched her directly after she recieved them. So, we waited a day or two and I worked on her. Yes, I did get a slightly gross and disgusting poison taste in my mouth from the skin oils, but, never did it directly make me ill, nor did it effect my energetic body negatively in any manner.
Another female client receiving radiation therapy asked very gingerly if I would please help her to decide which creams would be best for her to use on her very charred and dreadfully dry skin on her breast, chest wall and underarm. She didn't want to bother her husband with it - he was too stressed out at the thought that she might die to be of much compassionate assistance to her at that point. She was also taking some pretty high powered chemo crap that was making her puke her cookies about every 10 minutes. Sat there with her for 2 1/2 hours holding the bucket for her vomit, cleaning her face, wiping her tears, and energy testing the compounds she and her oncologist considered for her use before any work was ever done. Biohazard, chemo hazard, didn't matter.... she needed and got compassionate support.
Female and male clients who have received radiation therapies are particulary sensative to smells, the texture of the lotions/creams/oils, etc. Did I ever hesitate to provide the care that they sought from me, NO. I am blessed to have the best clientele in the world. They trust me implicitly to treat them as adult human beings with their own foibles, wishes, desires, and needs for treatment no matter the condition of their health. All of these individuals have clearly understood their particular situations, their particular needs in those instances and we have, on a case by case basis discussed thoroughly what they wanted, what I would be willing to provide, personal opinions [theirs and mine], etc. then treatment began.
Chemicals don't scare me. Taking precautions to cleanse my liver, and be as healthy as I personally can be in such situations is the best that I can do. I have been around individuals with everything from "soup to nuts" healthwise and none of it scares me or worries me to the point that I would prefer not to provide services for someone in need. That's the way I handle all of these cases. When you watch someone die inch by inch everyday at such an age as I did when a child, you learn to not really give a damn about the proper protocols that are socially imposed when people need your help. My health is important to me, but the compassion part is far more important than refusing treatment because of their chemicals, etc.
I'm no more careless with my health than these wonderful people have been with theirs.
Hope that answers your question.