Hi Siobhan - me agian !
- seem to be answering a few of your posts at the mo . . just tell me to button it, if ya tired me yakkering . .
Metamorphic technique - I did Metamorphosis course with a girl in London in 2000 but it was directly Robert St John's philosophy as opposed to Meta technique - Which is derived from R.St J - accompanied by Gaston's interpretations & findings & Debbie ooh what is her surname Shaipario or something did a book with Gaston too..
They advertise the Metamorphic Technique at the MBS exhibitions - there are quite a few workshops available & i do actaully know quite a few who are Meta Tech's. & use it at times. The technique can be used wioth other therapies metamorphosis dsatnds very much alone ( from what i was learnt - may have changed ) Technique a definate workshops/certificate set up although saying that I met a fabulous lady called Mary - ooh what is her name - i'll look it up for you she was brill...she seemd very knowledgable & think she practiced full Metamorphosis even though I htink she did Technique workshops. All very confusing I know but it is worthy of looking into !
You see John's work wasnt copyrighted before he died, thus couldnt be certified etc ect .. although I think his daughter is in the throws of trying to sort everything out, I'll check back through my emails I 'm sure i had an update .
Thus when i did the training there was no certificates etc as it wasnt a 'workshop' thing - its was for him & his followers a way of life / a philosophy. Plus insurance with mine includes Meta.
There is Metamorphosis in Austrailia, Ireland USA .. I
have contact email addresses if you would like them & tel no's in London, Surrey ect
PM or email me if you would like more details /info.
I use Meta occasionally , i think if the philosophy is taken on board & fully understood then it has to become a way of life -also you ultimatley are teaching peeps to treat themselves etc Its a very deep philosophy & much reading .. ive never dedicated myself wholly to it as yet.