Well put Mandrake and for my part I offer my apology. However I , like others , have every right to contest false accusations made within this forum with the truth ; so on to more positive things.
If readers would like a weekly update as to; security , violence ( there has been none ) in the Zona , polica harrassment , etc ,. I could spend the time to post what I come across. Much like a surf report but not a daily schedule and it will not deal with the ladies.
A more humorous , insight thread might be my nemisis ( sp ) would like to know 1st hand how to dry out wet $1 bills that come from HK shower , a subject that has to be TJ related if only under the subject of SDT .
I add a personal observation since this " soap opera " got heated , many Americians have stopped by the store showing an interest in what they see. This is fact and for the most part just curosity. This morning one American came in and purchased much more than any prior customer on any one purchase . He was followed by a group of three Americans who purchased an equal amount and all this is relatively new and a direct result of this thread which was not my intent . Guess they can find the place
I did not get involved in this for profit only to help my fellow countrymen. If anyone has a subject that I can give input to I would be happy to do so.
As for my nemisis ( sp) still buy you a drink so knock on my door.