I wanted to see Sophie but she was booked for an hour so just for the hell of it decided to see who else was working. I was told a few new girls were available. I checked out the line up and chose the new girl Monica b/c she was young, cute and very petite. This is were I should have followed my backup plan if Sophie wasn't available and either wait or go check out Liv @ Utopia. I asked Monica if she was new to the biz or just new to the spa because she didn't seem to knowladgeable and sure of things. Turns out she used to work at Platinum and I believe Josephines. Let me tell you, this was the most boring massage I've ever had. I went with the 30 min NR and she massaged me for about 15 minutes. Knowing that the final event would be short if I was to massage her front and back, I asked if I could massage her now. She said to wait b/c she still had to do my legs. Afeter a leg massage, she offered to get on the table. I massaged her front only as there had to be only 5 min. left. I had to make things quick in the end and she didn't even offer me a cloth, just the shower. To sum things up, it was boring, dull and uninspired. This was only my second time at SRM and judging from many reviews Monica is not SRM material.