and reduce stress among other things. I started smoking because I'm allergic (big time) to it and everyone smoked so unless I wanted to stay locked in my room, I basically had to. Pisses me off kind of because both my parents chained smoked, got me hooked on it, then they quit! And here I am still hooked on it!! GRRRRR
As for seeing it on TV now, watch Mad Men, those guys always have a cig in their hand.
Talk shows used to have an ashtray full of butts and all newscasts always had a smoke going. If you watch any historically accurate programs on tv production in the 50's and 60's one of the last thing the assistants did was to make sure the anchors had a lit cig in their hand when the light went red......
I remember smoking on airplanes and the door would open and a cloud of smoke would pour out.....
Smoking in the stores, movie theatres, bars (and frankly, even though I smoked, it was BRUTAL, no one ever thought about correct exhaust systems), buses and subways....
One thing about the new laws being discussed about throwing your butts on the ground: People used to smoke everywhere so the "litter" was widespread and most had an ashtray at their desk or wherever. Now they've forced everyone to smoke outside, and that's where all the butts go.
Environmentally speaking though, the butts have a better chance of biodegrading outside exposed to the elements than wrapped inside a plastic bag protected for millenia.