I guess the solution is to hike up the gratuities in the room and be very selective whom you go with. Have it ever happened to you that as soon as you walk in, an attendant is pushing you for extras right away? The classic is: "Are you tipping?" No talk how you're doing, nice to see you, great abs, Oh, I haven't seen THIS for a long time...congratulations, etc. or there's no room for a buildup for you. She wants to know how much effort she needs to put in your massage from the start. Right away there's this anxiety to know what's your worth. You don't even have time to relax and get comfortable before YOU decide if you want to get more erotic.
I know that if any owners are reading this, they'll get angry because I am talking about it so openly and bluntly. Nevertheless, if spa managers care about their stuff and customers sincerely, that's something they might want to consider.
SMD, I think I should be using your signature 'shi* disturber'...