you poor thing, its such a worry, my girl was the exact same, shes 3 now. It scared the life out of me when she chocked how ever i now realize that she done it because it was a natural response to some thing she was not used to, she didnt know what it was didnt know what to do. At 5 monthes she was on jar baby food because she didnt take to the liquidized food i made her and it was very clear to me she didnt like the lumpy food so i just carried on with the jar food but introduced soft food that would melt in her mouth to get her used to different sensations in her mouth, like watsits, small bits if cooked carrot and other veg. She eventually made it clear to me when she was ready for our food at the age of 10 months. All children develop at different stages so please dont feel pushed to rush her just because your told to by other mums, health visitors or even your own mum, its your child so be confident and know her signs. In the end she will get there and as long as she eats and drinks every day she will be fine, just let her hold the table food, make a mess have fun with it and she will get to recognize it by seeing you eat it, make it fun for both of you, if you worry your child will feel it too. Good luck and go with what you think is right and not what others may tell you. Lou