I hear a lot of stories that the Thai guy is bang-bang on the kitchen-table, and then put his pant back on, if he took them off! :what:
But i would not venture in this if I were you. The HIV infection among men, who provide "service" is much higher then among bg's. Also keep in mind that the concentration of it, is much higer in sper* then in the vagin*!
But a question. Why do you want to do this? Only to get back at him?
Then I will say, give the guy his fantasy. All men are dreaming of doing that, married or not.
I am in my mid-forties, and am seeing life flashing by. I love my wife, maybe more then most of the guys, but I had these fantasies about young, Thai girls.
Well my wife understands. She is not into these things herself. I go to los alone, have some fun. We also go a lot together and then officially it is a no-no.
My wife knows this is just fantasy and that this is not treatening to our love (except maybe the first time as a novice!) I don't like to admit it, here on the board, but honnestely the attraction of the bg, gets less with every trip. (doing this for 3 years) I would not be suprised that at a certain point I will have enough of it. First you see the young attractive girl, after a while, you only see the guys who have their go with her.
Anyway, let him have his pleasure (or at least the child in every man). If you are attracted to other men, that is your business, if not, just let it be.
I saw your age, and believe me, if your husband has the same forgive him that he still wants some innocent se* with a young girl. It is only huMEN