I am writing from a massage therapy supply outlet in Canada, not to intrude on the business of masssage warehouse but to educate health professionals in North America. Everyone, it seems, is concerned these days with "natural' or "green" products to the point where we do not know where to stop. When it comes to Disinfecting our treatment areas, you'd be amazed at the number of people who are actually only using a "cleaner" but not disinfecting or killing any of the bacteria, virus, fungus etc. that could be in our immediate contact. Long story short, there are a number of so called " natural disinfectants" for example vinegar, etc. but there is only 1...that's it, 1...that is both EPA and Health Canada approved as a disinfectant (hospital-grade) and also kills HIV, TB, fungus, yeast, mould and is actually safe enough to spray in your mouth. The EPA and HC does not require ANY caution or warning labels on the bottle because of the inherent safety of the product. Any disinfectant on the market, according to governemt guidelines, must be sprayed on, left for 10 minutes to do the kill, and then removed with potable water. Do you know anyone who disinfects this way? This product can be sprayed on and left, no rinse required. Most literature and websites class disinfectants as "a group of chemicals..." because they have not been updated in a number of years. This product has been around for 5 years, made in Canada and has patents or patents pending in over 80 countries. It is called Benefect. Do a google search or start asking your current massage supply outlet to get in in for you to try.