I am thrilled to have these stones as my own, very first set of hot stones. I can tell that they were hand matched for shape and weight. (The palm stones for example, only have a difference in weight of 7 grams, or a quarter of an ounce.) As I was taking them out of the box, it was obvious which stones are mated. (The spa I worked at had some stones that probably started out as a nice, complete set, but by the time I was hired all the large stones had walked out the door, and the sizable stones that were left were being horded somewhere. So, it was make do, and do your best!) It is so nice working with a set that was selected just for me.
I absolutely love the colors of the rocks. A few of them look like they have flecks of gold in them when they are oiled. All of the stones are very weighty, have a real presence. The rocks are weighty and retain the heat really well.
I purchased the set of 50 black/color combo, and they sent me 54! Bonus!
My main concern before ordering was the size. Antonio responded that sometimes people will tell them their height, and the size of their hands, so that Cheryl can think about them while she is holding and selecting the stones. I am short (just 5'3) but I think I have large hands and feet for a petite person. So I sent measurements of my hands as instructed.
I am a Zappos girl, and when I shop online, I am used to getting it now. The website explained that it takes about 5-10 business days for an order to be processed, since Cheryl hand selects all of the sets. On day 10, I still had not received a shipping notice. I sent Antonio an impatient email, wondering what was the status of my order. About an hour later, I received my stones. When I logged in to email Antonio to disregard my message, he replied that they should be there soon. I apologized for being frantic about the order, he said it happens all the time. People can sense when the stones are near the destination.
Also noteworthy, there has been lucid dreaming for all members of the household (even the dog) since the rocks arrived.
So, I did an 'arty' layout of the stones, and selected a few to show.
The entire set weighs 17 lbs 8.6 oz.
The sacrum stone weighs 1 lb 8.5 oz.
These together weighed 2 lbs. 5.6 oz
My hands are 7" long, and 3 1/2" wide. Included the pics so you have the reference.
One of the deep tissue tools, and the toe stones.
I did a lay out for those who may like to see the stones paired.