Hello There.... And Welcome...
Im also studying ReflexologyV.T.C.Tlevel 3 at Chichester College, West Sussex. Ive done other courses as wellso im pretty upto date on how case studies gothere not that bad once you get into them.... also there are quite a few links on this forum,and dont forget there are so many books out there that are full of lots of different information.
Here goes
Clients History... Write all about the client ie job, stress levels, children, hobbies etc.
Medical Details....Write all about clients health,Present state of health?Anyprevious illnesses? Any Contraindications? Do you need doctors consent?
Aims of Treatment...What the client wants from the treatment> To relax, etc
Treatment Plan... What you as a therapist would like to do> Spend more time on problem areas, Make sure client is relaxed...
Week one .... Write how the treatment went? How the client was? How you can improve the treatment ...get client to fill in client Questionaire/feedback form. Offer after care advice/leaflet.
Week two....Revise consultation form. Ask how client week went? Any Reactions? Make Notes
three,four,five,six...As above.
If the client has any problems, perhaps research into them and offer further help...ie diet,exercise etc.
Summary/Outcome...Write how you think the six week treatment went.. If any of the clientsProblem areas got better/ worse. Did client like the treatment? What you gained from it?
Im sure ive missed something out but i Hope thishelps...
Perhaps your Tutor could help you.
Good Luck