I'm newly licensed! Go me! And I'm starting to think about places to work. Today I went to get my hair done and the owner/one of the hairdressers of the salon suggested that I rent the back room and start my business there. On the one hand it would be a place where I can send clients, the hairdressers can refer clients to me, and it would be a chance to do some therapies other than just massage (hand and foot rituals, facials, stone massage etc.). I've always thought that I would want to do just pain management/RMIs and go more toward the medical aspect of it but.... I bore easily (ADD). I enjoy face to face talking time and I could do that if I did some spa therapies in with the massage. The rent is $125 a week, sounds high to me but I don't have enough experience to know if that is high or not. My schedule is my own. What is y'alls experience with salons vs. clinics?