New Horizon licks balls (unfortunately not literally). I made one trip there after watching a shitty movie at Metrotown. My lame friends all went home and I was sitting there thinking I had just been ripped off for 15 bucks to see a crappy movie in a huge crowded theater with a bunch of little 4 foot hi wannabe gangstars running around with shorts as long as pants and shirts that looked more like dresses. Anyways, figured I'd try the New Horizon. Made my way up, introduced to a nice room overlooking quiet KINGSWAY. Took a brief shower cause....fuck-it, I'm always clean and smellin' fresh. In walks this girl, forgot her name but very cute, thin, nice body b tittys, asian. She was Canadian born and sounded very small town to me. Right away starts asking me if I want to fuck her for 160$. I tell her if she gives me a good massage I'll consider it. Massage sucked so I said HJ only. Starts trying to upsell, in kind of a "I need a coke fix soon so give me some fuckin' money" way. She even offers a sample to tempt me. Gives me a weak BJ, by now I'm going soft so I say fuck it, maybe she will be all wild if I pump her. DEAD FISH. Blow my load, wallet was $$.10 thinner plus the $15 for the movie, lamest entertainment of my LIFE. It would have been more fun to sit at home and watch StarWars for the 130th time and masturbate thinking about Princess Leahs hair puffs. Oh, and the girl told me if I wanted to enjoy her wonderful sex again she'd have me over to her apartment, and maybe we could do a line together!!! WTF!
I also said to management that this was the lamest place I've ever been and would NEVER return. Their response.....come on, you can guess was: "oh, but we've got beautiful new girls coming next week!"