It's very true that you can do Indian Head Massage as a 1 day intensive course, but I think you'd really struggle to obtain insurance if your tutor had not included an exam in the assesment criteria for the qualification that they are awarding. When Indian Head Massage is beingtaught by an independentteacher (rather than at a college) thenInsurance companies ensure that the course syllabus and method of assesment suits their standards.
I did my training in indian head massage through a 2 day intensive course with one person (you had to complete 4 days for the qualification) and then a 7 week course (a 2 hr session once a week) and then when I finally felt absolutely ready and competent, I did a 2 day intensive course which provided the necesssary qualification to practise. I would personally welcome more regulation on Indian Head Massagetraining.
So Darren, is this something you're considering taking further?