Here's an interesting link: If you click on to your therapy eg Reflexology and click on Are You A Reflexologist you can learn about registering with them.
It has a section that says: 'In addition to the practical benefits of a Certificate of Membership, an entry on both the website and in the published directory (with an opportunity to provide an additional 200 word detailed background to their practice), the Directory will have the potential to greatly increase the patient base of individual practitioners, and provide them with an opportunity to confirm their commitment to be recognised as a legitimate part of their local Primary Care team.'
If you go onto the site you can register as a practitioner of a comp therapy and get referrals from NHS professionals. I have emailed them for my application pack today.
It has a section that says: 'In addition to the practical benefits of a Certificate of Membership, an entry on both the website and in the published directory (with an opportunity to provide an additional 200 word detailed background to their practice), the Directory will have the potential to greatly increase the patient base of individual practitioners, and provide them with an opportunity to confirm their commitment to be recognised as a legitimate part of their local Primary Care team.'
If you go onto the site you can register as a practitioner of a comp therapy and get referrals from NHS professionals. I have emailed them for my application pack today.