It seems that Justice Minister Rob Nicholson is backing off from including “honour killings” as a distinct aspect of the Criminal Code, as sought by some women’s advocates.
Anyone who thinks about that for a moment, should realize that such an amendment is unnecessary.
A so-called honour killing is nothing but murder, and no justification for it should be accepted in Canada or the U.S.
Those who argue — and some do — that death is justifiable for girls who defy their parents and refuse arranged marriages, or have sexual encounters before marriage, or refuse to wear a veil, or do any of a variety of things that certain cultures frown upon (like using cosmetics or wearing the wrong clothes), are wrong and should not be tolerated.
Anyone who thinks about that for a moment, should realize that such an amendment is unnecessary.
A so-called honour killing is nothing but murder, and no justification for it should be accepted in Canada or the U.S.
Those who argue — and some do — that death is justifiable for girls who defy their parents and refuse arranged marriages, or have sexual encounters before marriage, or refuse to wear a veil, or do any of a variety of things that certain cultures frown upon (like using cosmetics or wearing the wrong clothes), are wrong and should not be tolerated.