This question is addressed to all people who might know the origins of specific fetishes, e.g. feet, legs or nylons. As weird as it sounds so far, I am curious if anybody knows biological/social/historical/cultural/other roots of such preferences from a scientific perspective.
It has been well known that small feet used to evoke erotic feelings in China, hence ridiculous feet binding, as well as the particular gait adopted by the Chinese women, e.g. swinging from side to side while walking. In the Chinese tradition, perhaps more than in the other (?), feet function as a special sexual object or powerful aphrodisiac which status has been cultured and subsequently reinforced for ages.
Later in our history, in the era of baroque a site of a leg or a foot covered in nylons could be responsible for fainting of a man out of a powerful, sexual influence.
Yet, this does not explain why feet in particular evoke such a strong desire in some men. Help, please.
It has been well known that small feet used to evoke erotic feelings in China, hence ridiculous feet binding, as well as the particular gait adopted by the Chinese women, e.g. swinging from side to side while walking. In the Chinese tradition, perhaps more than in the other (?), feet function as a special sexual object or powerful aphrodisiac which status has been cultured and subsequently reinforced for ages.
Later in our history, in the era of baroque a site of a leg or a foot covered in nylons could be responsible for fainting of a man out of a powerful, sexual influence.
Yet, this does not explain why feet in particular evoke such a strong desire in some men. Help, please.