The compliment is nice, but the SC guys will be happy to explain mileage. It's the same here: depends where you want to go. Since your destination and mine are likely quite different, it will vary.
Think of it like "warm" as in a warm day. We can all agree summer is warmer than spring without ever having to argue about whether warm stops at 25 degrees because that's where "hot" starts. And some like it hot, but others hate it. Me, I dislike grinding f'rinstance.
Dancers, like MPA's are people trying to do a job and make a living. They're not pop machines, where your twoonie or mine will deliver a factory-guaranteed identical can of Coke. And fixating on "what's mileage?" get's one into seeing them that way, which can only lead to frustration and disappointment. Don't worry about his drink, focus on enjoying your own.
Besides, in a SC even touching, never mind what's being touched or by who, is against some law or rule, so no one who thinks a bit is going to be explicit.