Please post the link to this info, I'd like to read more. I'm already a Barack fan, although everyone looks great compared to our current administration.
I don't think legalizing prostitution in California would have an effect on the Zona. This seems counterintuitive but I think most customers wouldn't switch. I think guys who monger in TJ fall into 3 categories. The first are locals, mexican men who certainly would not cross the border for hookers, the second category is guys like us, regular visitors who brave the traffic and other nastiness for cheap TJ tail, I don't think many of us will switch if prices in So Cal are similar to those in Nevada, if we would then we could get hot stateside escorts for those prices now with little chance of legal problems, but we still go to TJ. The third would be the sex tourist, who may travel cross country for a couple days in the real Sin City - TJ. This last group might be affected if if there was a local destination and the price savings from not traveling offsets the extra cost of stateside talent.
So overall, maybe a few less gringos.
Legalizing prostitution would be a good thing for the US, just as legalizing pot would be, but I honestly don't see it happening here. We are too devoted to an outdated religious morality that only hurts our country.