The staff nurse of an A&E department calls in the next patient. He's badly cut and bruised and visibly shaken. she asks him what happened while she attends to his injuries.
"Well, I was driving along, minding my own business, when out of nowhere, this fridge smashed through the windscreen! I'm lucky to be alive!"
she bandages him up and calls in the next patient who walks in with cuts to his hands and a back injury. "what's happened to you?"
"Oh, I feel such a fool," says the man, "I've never trusted my dear wife and I get fits of jealousy even though she's completely innocent. I got home early this afternoon and burst through the door thinking i might catch her with another man but she was alone in the kitchen ironing her skirt ready for work. She shouted at me for being an idiot and ruining the door and i went into a fit of rage and ended up picking the fridge up and throwing it out of the window! I'm such an idiot, someone could have been killed! AND i've done my back in with the strain of it!"
The nurse tuts and gives him some pain killers and tells him to rest.
Finally a third man is wheeled in, he's broken both his legs and an arm and he's naked and covered in milk.
"What happened to you!"
"ummm... well I was in this fridge....."
