Will marriage exist in a Gynarchic society ? Marriage is a patriarchal institution and will not exist in a Gynarchic society. Etymologically the word "marriage" means "give girl to husband" (maritus in latin). This word "marriage" should be replaced by the word "union" (to make one) when we talk about mutual female love, the sensual and sexual engagement between two womyn in love. A female may feel affection for an obedient submale, she may even want to use him sexually, but this has nothing to do with love and the thought of a union between a female and a submale, or any other property of hers, is of course totally ridiculous.
What is the position of Lesbians in the Gynarchic movement ?
Lesbians are the natural leaders of the Gynarchic revolution. In all parts of the world where Gynarchy is growing, Lesbians are at the head of this revolution. The Lesbian Gynarchist with her castrated submale slave(s) is the very spearhead of this revolution. All the problems that now are threatening Womynkind will be solved when the Female has become the ruling sex. The first goal is evidently to put a stop to harmful and dangerous male activities - political, social, industrial, ecological, military...
Womyn must stop the disaster that male rule is leading us to! A Gynarchic society will have no over-population (only Womyn will decide if and when to give birth), no more wars and innocent deaths (except for the aggressive and recalcitrant males unwilling to submit to Female rule), preservation of all species, etc..
But Womyn will not exterminate the inferior male sex, there will always be a need for obedient submale slaves. In a Gynarchic society Womyn will live a life of ease and comfort and a large number of submale slaves will always be necessary to perform all the menial and tedious work at the bottom of society. The submale only need some education, hard training and in most cases castration to become useful to Womyn. And the subjugated and castrated submale will find happiness in his servitude, to serve, worship and obey his Female owner will be his greatest joy and pride! A totally subjugated submale is a happy submale! Non-Lesbian Women are not outside the Gynarchic revolution, certainly not! But Womyn who can find love and peace with other Womyn are probably more able to build a Gynarchic society where submales will be owned by Womyn and trained for service and hard work.
What would the position of submales be in a gynarchic society ?
A submale in a Gynarchic society will have no human rights at all. No human rights whatsoever. Every submale will be the private property of a female and she may use, or misuse, this property in any way she wants. No rights whatsoever for submales! Their status will be lower even than that of domestic animals! Every submale member of Gynarchy International should reflect very carefully on this !
Will marriage exist in a Gynarchic society ? Marriage is a patriarchal institution and will not exist in a Gynarchic society. Etymologically the word "marriage" means "give girl to husband" (maritus in latin). This word "marriage" should be replaced by the word "union" (to make one) when we talk about mutual female love, the sensual and sexual engagement between two womyn in love. A female may feel affection for an obedient submale, she may even want to use him sexually, but this has nothing to do with love and the thought of a union between a female and a submale, or any other property of hers, is of course totally ridiculous.
What is the position of Lesbians in the Gynarchic movement ?
Lesbians are the natural leaders of the Gynarchic revolution. In all parts of the world where Gynarchy is growing, Lesbians are at the head of this revolution. The Lesbian Gynarchist with her castrated submale slave(s) is the very spearhead of this revolution. All the problems that now are threatening Womynkind will be solved when the Female has become the ruling sex. The first goal is evidently to put a stop to harmful and dangerous male activities - political, social, industrial, ecological, military...
Womyn must stop the disaster that male rule is leading us to! A Gynarchic society will have no over-population (only Womyn will decide if and when to give birth), no more wars and innocent deaths (except for the aggressive and recalcitrant males unwilling to submit to Female rule), preservation of all species, etc..
But Womyn will not exterminate the inferior male sex, there will always be a need for obedient submale slaves. In a Gynarchic society Womyn will live a life of ease and comfort and a large number of submale slaves will always be necessary to perform all the menial and tedious work at the bottom of society. The submale only need some education, hard training and in most cases castration to become useful to Womyn. And the subjugated and castrated submale will find happiness in his servitude, to serve, worship and obey his Female owner will be his greatest joy and pride! A totally subjugated submale is a happy submale! Non-Lesbian Women are not outside the Gynarchic revolution, certainly not! But Womyn who can find love and peace with other Womyn are probably more able to build a Gynarchic society where submales will be owned by Womyn and trained for service and hard work.
What would the position of submales be in a gynarchic society ?
A submale in a Gynarchic society will have no human rights at all. No human rights whatsoever. Every submale will be the private property of a female and she may use, or misuse, this property in any way she wants. No rights whatsoever for submales! Their status will be lower even than that of domestic animals! Every submale member of Gynarchy International should reflect very carefully on this !