Hey, it is about time to think with your real head (for a change for some people?). Although the issue is real, such thread may potentially be more harmful (raising fear, starting unnecessary flamewars and invites racial discrimination) than helping.
Since the SARS scare became more widespread, immediately, airline business and the businesses in many Asian/Chinese places (restaurants and shopping malls etc) have gone down dramatically. Of course it is unclear whether such avoidance is totally jusified. It is the fear of the unknown in action!
As of this morning, the front page of Toronto Star cited that SARS is now not even Toronto's problem, but Ontario's problem. The major targets for preventions promoted by the health officials are essentially the Hospitals. The rest (including MP visits I guess), voluntary quarrantine based pretty much on common sense. There is nothing about asian in their "guidelines".
So I would say use your common sense.