The topic of how much a person should share online about providers comes up every so often and really I think it is up to every person how much they want to share.
If you think about it the police are not going to go get a subpoena to track down our real identities to get us to write out affidavits stating we are getting extra services! If the authorities wanted to crackdown on the providers they would have to perform a sting in which they would have to have a massage and then be offered extras by the RMT! Can you imagine police officers lying on tables around the city getting paid to have massages? Don't think that would go over too well with the citizens somehow.
Plus someone correct me if I am wrong but it is only considered solicitation and illegal if you discuss arranging sexual services prior to meeting but anything discussed behind closed doors is acceptable, isn't that how and why massage parlours are allowed to operate?
The most trouble they could have is a rival company trying to tarnish their name and if a rival wanted to do that they could simply make something up.
I personally think the police have more important things to do than worry about a few HJs being provided...