First of all, It's completley normal in your first year to not get your period regularly. once you get your period two months in a row, count the days in between them (you should definitley mark them on some type of calender) then, you can try to guess when your next period might come. You never know when it might actuallly suprize you so keep a pad in your purse at all times. you know what you period feels like now, so you should be able to tell when it comes. For swimming in PE, here's a few tips. First, keep in mind that when you are in water, your period doesn't actually do anything. Even if you have your period and you are just taking a bath, your period won't bother you and no blood will come out. If you do happen to get your period while swimming, you would get it when you get out of the pool when any water that has went up your vagina will come out. Strangley, your vagina will make this really weird noise. It happened to me once when I woke up from bed. I was laying on my back all night and when I woke up, I stood up and it made this really weird noise and then the next thing I knew, my shorts were all bloody. Another thing that I need to tell you is the one person who wrote that you should wear a tampon everytime you swim is completley wrong. You could get VERY sick from doing that. What you really need to do is use a tampon only when you have your period. you can start your first time using it on your heaviest day. you can get more information on the pamphlet that they give you when you buy the pack of tampons or at I would suggest that you buy a light flow pack for your first time. Always buy the plastic applicator also. If you need anymore info, my email is or you could visit also can be very helpful for finding out the other information that you need to know or that other girls had questions with also.