I too looooooove women, which is precisely why I'm convinced I'm not a perv.
To me, in fact, a pervert is someone who doesn't loooooove women.
A pervert is a man who abuses women, either sexually or psychologically. Off the board in "civilian" life, a pervert is the male who woos a woman to get her in bed, then dumps her like used kleenex and tells other guys she's a slut.
Pedophiles, child molesters ... definitely perverts.
Rapists, those who debase others sexually ... definitely perverts.
A pervert lacks moral principles.
But just being unabashedly sexual, revelling in the beauty of women, worshipping them body and soul ... nothing perverted about that in my mind.
Don't care if we're talking escort or "civilian," the bottom line is the same.
You're not a pervert if you looooove women, at least not if you treat them with respect.
(Not talking about gay men, here. I'm confining my remarks to men who are presumably hetero. ... although my guess is that many gay men treat women with more respect than many straight men do.)
So ...I am proud I'm NOT a perv because I looooooove women.