Hi Mike,
I did PN and Acuna last month. Acuna about the same, all the good ones at Hunter, a few 'passables' at Rio.
Then down to PN. Don't even bother going before 10pm.
3 meseros, no chicas at 54. When things did get going, there were some decent lookers. I picked out a really nice looker with a good looking set of bolt on titties. She was at least a 9 in looks. (You see it coming, right?). Yeah, in the room she was a mediocre 4 or 5 at best. No rush, no hangups, no fire. Great to look at though. Trying to remember her name and can't right now. Total $80
About an hour later I picked out a tall, thin dancer that looked half black, half latina. This one had the look in her eyes and I was right. Looks 7.5, attitude 9, service 9.5.
Bonus: Cowgirl, she wanted her nipples bitten, not hard, but firmly and my finger in her ass. She went over the edge and then I did, too. $75 total.
Next, walked around outside (be careful) and ended up at the Cactus Club. One gal came up immediately and started the dick rub. It actually started working. We were drinking and she was telling me what she was going to do with my cock. I looked over her shoulder and there was a little spinne watching, smiling. She picked up on this pretty quickly and asked if I wanted her friend. I said yes and she was really good about it and brought her friend right over. Danita. Maybe 85 lbs, but I doubt it. Unreal in the room. I thought my dick was going to be mad at me. Must have been why it took so long to cum. Seriously, third time in about 2 hours. This girl did every position I put her in and never missed a stroke. She told me she had 'cinco finitas' and I believe her. She even wobbled and held on to the wall when we went to the shower. Of course they start asking when are you coming back, blah, blah blah. This one would be worth a return visit. $60 + I tipped her $20. Most excellent panocha.
One tip for you. Negotiate with the cabbie both ways.
Walked across Bridge #1 and first cabbie says $10 to Boystown. Told him $5 and he was fine with it. On the return, that bridge is closed at 10 pm, so you have to go to the new bridge which is further downstream. He wanted $35 to take me all the way to the car on the US side. I told him no. He wanted $20 to bridge #2. I told him $10 and he jumped on it. Even gave me instructions on where to walk, etc.
Have fun, be safe and report your monger trip.
LBFM Luver