As part of my Reflexology course,I am giving a presentation a case study.I find,however, that my open ended questioning are a bit vague.
An example would be a client who came to me with very high oestrogen levels,[whom im delighted to add had a doctor confirm that they are now lower than ever].I did the following questions
1. how long ?
2. how it was affecting her?
3. Any other related issues with reproductive cycle?
4. how she was coping with it?
Even though I got the results what other questions should I have asked and any points on my presentation as I would not be a pro at public speaking.
An example would be a client who came to me with very high oestrogen levels,[whom im delighted to add had a doctor confirm that they are now lower than ever].I did the following questions
1. how long ?
2. how it was affecting her?
3. Any other related issues with reproductive cycle?
4. how she was coping with it?
Even though I got the results what other questions should I have asked and any points on my presentation as I would not be a pro at public speaking.