So,last few days I was looking on internet about one thing i heard about. It's Male G-Spot or Prostate. Well,i heard a lot of very good stories about it,first that you can have stronger and longer orgasm and also that it helps in improving prostate health which is very important for later years. So the thing that interests me is what are the proper methods of prostate massage and stimulation. Also how is suppose to feel first time when you try to stimulate it. I tried myself but it is still very strange feeling , i did all the thing like having a lot of lube,gentle stimulation and stuff, but it feels a bit weird, i can feel that one spot which is sensitive so i suppose that is the prostate,but when i massage it, I don't know how to feel it's funny but i suppose it's normal until u get used to it...So what i need is how it feels First time achieving prostate orgasm, how should you feel and you know stuff like that. So please give me some beginner tips and also some informations from of your own experience. Also i need to know how much time can it take to have orgasm, and am i suppose to also stimulate my pe*is in same time? Please describe me as precisely as you can all you know about this thank you. My english isn't so good so i hope u understand me and i hope i soon have a lot of answers Thanks again