Providing a Reminder Notice to Scheduled Clien
Generally, I don't call to remind clients about their appointment. ย We have a fairly busy schedule and making 5 or 6 more calls at the end of the day can add an extra 15 -30 mins. onto the evening. ย Part of the reason for not making the calls has been, because for a number of years I had a lot of work travelling about and was on the road as much as I was in the office. ย Since I did not have the ability to be consistent, it didn't seem like the right thing to do.
But, I do like the idea of the reminder call going out mid-day.
As I mentioned (up there *points up to my first paragraph*) -- consitency. ย I certainly think if you start making reminder calls, you need to continue them. ย And you really should try to do them at the same time every day. ย Consitency is a big factor in keeping clients happy. ย
I also don't want clients to regard me as their baby sitter. ย Although, with our busy lifes, we do forget appointments now and then, you can bet it is rare we forget a dentist appointment that has been scheduled six weeks down the road. ย
What I try to convey to the client is that their appointment is a block of time and that if they aren't going to be able to make it, they should call me as soon as possible, so that I can help someone else. ย I also try to make sure they know that no-showing makes it hard for me to keep my business open to provide them more services in the future. ย All of this is of course done politely and kindly, and not necessarily in those exact words. ย
It is pretty rare that I have people forget, and pretty rare that I have cancellations. ย BUT, when I do, it is usually a blessing in disguise. ย I have found, that for me, it gives me the added time I need to accomplish something else that I was having a hard time completing. ย Or, if they re-schedule the book just filled up with someone who really needed my services that day.
I know it sounds a bit hokey, like I am floating with the wind on that, but
really, 95% of the time when I have had a cancellation or no-show, it has worked out in the wash and usually for the better. ย
That being said -- *hehe* -- you had to know there'd be more... ย I do have certain clients who have demanding jobs, and I will call them the night before their appointment and let them know what openings I have later in the week, just in case they get to work that morning and have been scheduled for meetings they can't get out of, so they can cancel witha re-book at the same time. ย Usually, I schedule those people as my first appointment, so that if they do have to cancel, I can sleep a little more or get some work done at the office. ย
I also have a few senior clients who appreciate the call and I do this for them too. ย
All that being said, I provide special appointment reminder cards as the mainstay reminder system for our clients as of now.
Now for the fun stuff -- I did have a client come in the office the other day and was bragging on her doctor who now has an automated reminder call for appointments. ย It calls, leaves the message and/or asks you to press 1 on the phone to confirm and 2 on the phone to deny or re-schedule -- well something along those lines. ย You get the idea. ย So, since you brought this thread up, I googled: "automated appointment reminder call" and here are the first seven that showed up, in case anyone decides to move in this direction.
Hope this helps