Dropped into Allure for the first time in many months. I went with the idea of seeing Raquel, based on the web pics. Lucked out, she was available. The pictures do not lie, her tan is really dark right now as she said she had just come back from vacationing in Mexico. That combined with the natural latin colouring of her sking, the dark eyes, the dark hair, just seems to be the perfect combination - I am in lust.
She talked easily, and was very friendly, nothing stiff about her. I think we had a good time. Massage was good (not too hard and not one of those light fingernail massages that some girls do). She managed to find wee willy and pay some attention to him while on my stomach and then we reversed for a little while. Did I mention she has a gorgeous body, what a perfect, tight a$$. Nice natural breasts (C's I guess). She looked so inviting just lying there. Switched places and went on to a standard finish which I had no complaints about.
My god, where do they find these girls? Repeat, you betcha. Complaints - none. Allure is still one of the best for eye candy.
Oh, and P.S. I thought she said she was going to be 26. Maybe I am wrong. Doesn't really matter, she's great at any age.