Hello admin,
Not sure whether you are aware or not, but for the last week I seem to be redirected away from your web site while I navigate through the site pages. This has become frequent to a point that each navigation would re-direct me. Most times I am lucky to Back Page and Refresh, but Refresh sometimes redirects as well. A few times the Back Page redirects and I am forced to close browser and relink from my bookmark.
At first I thought it was my computer but I have experienced this on different PC's, tablets and phones. Droid, apple, blackberry devices are not immune.
Most re-directs now seems to indicate that Adobe Flash needs updating however the link is fake. Not sure if someone is trying to use your site to spread virus or phish for info.
If your site is not hacked, then maybe something in how you display your ads is causing it.
Not sure whether you are aware or not, but for the last week I seem to be redirected away from your web site while I navigate through the site pages. This has become frequent to a point that each navigation would re-direct me. Most times I am lucky to Back Page and Refresh, but Refresh sometimes redirects as well. A few times the Back Page redirects and I am forced to close browser and relink from my bookmark.
At first I thought it was my computer but I have experienced this on different PC's, tablets and phones. Droid, apple, blackberry devices are not immune.
Most re-directs now seems to indicate that Adobe Flash needs updating however the link is fake. Not sure if someone is trying to use your site to spread virus or phish for info.
If your site is not hacked, then maybe something in how you display your ads is causing it.