For a long time, I couldn’t understand why prostitution isn’t legal in Canada. It’s legal in some states, and in many countries around the world including western powerhouses such as Germany.
The argument has always been STIs and women forced into the trade.
Countries that have legalized test the women very frequently and, since licenses are required, both the above arguments were reduced in frequency.
I believe the real reason it’s illegal here is balance of power between genders. Child support laws are one-sides and are clearly in favour of females.
Every time two start dating, women around say “you two should have a baby....”. The question is why??? 40 years old, already divorced with kids, why have more?? It’s about power and leverage.
I have some very wealthy friends that never want to marry and only use their own condoms. They even flush them down the toilet themselves and watch them go down to prevent “basting”. I heard athletes do this as well.
If prostitution were to become legal, there would be less “oups babies” resulting in less child support and therefore a shift in power. The entire court system, lawyers, etc, would be disrupted. To be honest, I believe power would be more even between genders if prostitution were legalized.
Two consenting adults and a transaction. Everyone wins.
To be honest, I believe in equality. Not only between genders, but races, beliefs and everything. Denomination causes segregation.
All groups, minority or not, including feminists, should group under the single umbrella of Equalism.
The argument has always been STIs and women forced into the trade.
Countries that have legalized test the women very frequently and, since licenses are required, both the above arguments were reduced in frequency.
I believe the real reason it’s illegal here is balance of power between genders. Child support laws are one-sides and are clearly in favour of females.
Every time two start dating, women around say “you two should have a baby....”. The question is why??? 40 years old, already divorced with kids, why have more?? It’s about power and leverage.
I have some very wealthy friends that never want to marry and only use their own condoms. They even flush them down the toilet themselves and watch them go down to prevent “basting”. I heard athletes do this as well.
If prostitution were to become legal, there would be less “oups babies” resulting in less child support and therefore a shift in power. The entire court system, lawyers, etc, would be disrupted. To be honest, I believe power would be more even between genders if prostitution were legalized.
Two consenting adults and a transaction. Everyone wins.
To be honest, I believe in equality. Not only between genders, but races, beliefs and everything. Denomination causes segregation.
All groups, minority or not, including feminists, should group under the single umbrella of Equalism.