Thank you both for your comments. I am at my advanced course this evening and will query my tutor re not working IUD clients. It was never raised as an issue in our earlier course and I have mentioned my potential case studies and no eyebrows were raised.
When you mention ghosting do you mean the same as what I would call linking, ie just gently touching the reflex?
The one thing I am most gutted about with one of my ladies is that she has spent 10 years "trying" and adopted a couple of years ago and I had always hoped that if she attended for reflexology regularly we would be able to rebalance her to enable to as a minimum a regular cycle and of course it would have been wonderful if all of this had led to a pregnancy. Of course now with the advent of the IUD this is absolutely not going to happen, the pregnancy, I mean.
I know this is going on a bit now but when I worked on her last year as an aromatherapy case study, I was incorporating reflex work during the treatment and she did stop bleeding for 8 weeks!! Which was fantastic for her, but during this time her uterus reflex became dry and flaky (not helped but her then pumice stoning it!). This lasted for many weeks. I was trying to not get my hopes up, but she was tired, had breast soreness (occasional usually) and felt out of sorts.
It led me to think the impossible. She had been told around this time that she would definitely not conceive naturally as she has only 1 ovary (with cysts, not polycystic) and 1 tube (damaged), fairly severe endometriosis and fibroids. After 8 weeks she had "worst period ever". I felt at the time that may be shewas been pregnant and it had not reached its potential whilst being terrified that maybe she was and it was going to be ectopic which would obviously cause her further problems. Following her return to bleeding she refused to have any further treatments and cancelled our last 3 sessions, blaming other things for non attendance.
Sorry for the essay. Have you ever experienced a response such as this with a client? May be I'm being naive to think that I could have over5 weeks transformed her gynae system. She was my first gynae case and maybe I was a little optimistic.
Have you done the maternity reflex course? If so, was it useful?
I'll stop now or I'll be here all day. Your views would be welcomed
Many thanks