hello anthony,[/align][/align]harsh words! mind you, i totally agree... if i am treating pregnant ladies, and yes i do, from pre conception through (well obviously they arent pregnant at the beginning bit ), i'll treat all reflexes... particularly the endocrine ones, as thats the bit which is more often needing a bit of balance and attention.[/align][/align]BUT, its as well to use caution IF IN ANY DOUBT! in fact, the contraindications i was taught are, if i dont want to do it or my client doesnt want it.[/align][/align]i also truly believe that we can do no harm, but as jan pointed out, in these times of litigation, fault is always going to be looked for and the buck could stop at the therapists door. [/align][/align]mind you, i have said on these boards before, if reflexology or aromatherapy were that good at causing miscarriage, i know what i'd have if i needed to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, and i am sure the majority of women would feel the same... clinical abortions would be a thing of the past. [/align][/align]i do think that advanced training should be undertaken to deal with the whole physiological and emotional change occurring in a womans body at this time, to gain more knowledge and understanding. [/align]