Dear Belinda x,
No matter how many times this question is asked, the answer isn't easy at all.
One of the most deep and undeveloped secrets nature still keeps is what is exactly the trigger of starting labour. Doctors, gynaecologists, obstetrics and midwives will be able to explain the physiological process.....after the process starts.
From my point of view, it is the baby itself who decides when is it ready to come to the world. It is its first decision in life. Many mothers don't understand it this way but once you can convince them to follow this thaught, they will be learning their first lesson on parenthood.
Let me tell you about a couple of cases I had in the recent past:
The first one, a lady who came to a Reflexology session on week 36+3 with a Gift Card. 28 years old, first pregnancy, happy and calm. No pathologies or conditions (with the exception of some morning sickness by the first weeks of pregnancy), everything normal. She was adviced to train her vagina with Epi-No, a devicecreated toflexibilize the tissues of the birth cannal, and she was doing so every day. I worked on a general treatment, stressing the accent on all the evacuation systems: digestive, urinary and respiratory tract, and working on "pulling" techniques. I didn't work on the uterus reflex, the reproductive systemor the hormonal system reflexes at all.
Two days after that the lady who bought the gift card for her phoned me to tell me that she gave birth to a beautiful girl and that the delivery was so fast!: only 5 hours from the moment her waters broke. Such a record for a first time mother!!
The second one, a lady who came to me on week 39+6, one day before the due date, suffering from Oedema and Anxiety. 32 years old, first pregnancy, a story of constipation behind here, aggravated probably by the Iron tablets she was taking. "Please do something to induce work!" she said. I didn't. Who am I to take such an importantdecision that belongs to the baby?
I worked intensively on her spine, solar plexus, diaphragm reflexes and vagus nerve to promote deep relaxation. At the same time, I worked intensively on her evacuation systems: digestive, urinary and respiratory, again, again and again, pulling with other techniques all her energy down, "calling" the baby. If the baby was able to attend my call, he would have done that. He didn't. He came to the world on week 41+3, two days after his mother attended her 3rd. Reflexology session.
Conclusion: It's not only a mechanic procedure, and there is no science that can teach you how to induce birth with a natural therapy when the baby hasn't shown signs of being ready for that.
Important: Never try to induce labour pressing the Pituitary gland if you are not at a hospital. You can succeed, but at the same time you can drive the mother into a dangerous state of Hypertonia, which is netto Fetal Stress. Please be careful.
So.......if a mother comes to you even they have "gone over" the statistical term, do work on relaxation and pull her energies down to drain all the stress she brings with her.
I hope this helped.
Good luck and best wishes!
Moshe Kruchik