yes, its not easy. i spent a lot of time last summer/ autum whilst i was fresh from the course, trying to approach the head of midwifery in various hospitals.
tricky ladies to get hold of. one said no outright. another sounded quite interested, asked me to send her info and gave me the impression that it would be followed up with an invite for me to come and chat to the community midwives, but despite follow ups... nothing.
another hosptial was all full of, oh yes... show the midwives some techniques and i thought, foot in the door... but nothing. i did give them some leaflets though and once when visiting my mum i went down and said hello... <shrug>
i did manage to get a meeting with the local community midwives, out up a poster, left them lots of info, told them all about what i can do, how i can help etc etc... but i have had one lady for unduction. i was hoping that these midwives might at least mention me to ladies... i even offered them a freebie so they could see for themselves...
this is what its like... [sm=banghead.gif]
i advertise with a local NCT mag and even wrote an article... nothing. the other NCT group, who i offered to write an article for, were right snotty about it and said IF they wanted an articale, they approached the person for it (gawd they should read their newsletter... tres boring!!).
so i have kinda given up... actually i need to get myself out there again...
sorry to sound so negative... i daresay if you volunteer....