Whenever we interact with another person, animal, or plant there is an exchange of energy. When one is attuned to Reiki, the level of that exchange is increased. This is just one of the reasons why Reiki is a wonderful compliment to whatever profession we have. It is also the reason why Reiki practitioners must accept responsibility for the exchange of their energy.
When Reiki is applied following the guidlines set forth by Reiki, it will do no harm. One of those guidelines is to ALWAYS gain permission by the recipient before treatment.
I personally feel that any form of work done with intent, including energy work, should have consent from the recipient. When Reiki is shared between 2 people, a connection is forged that is extremely intimate and can go beyond the intimacy of working on someone who has removed their clothes. When clients open themselves to energy work, they place themselves in a very open position which implies a certain vulnerability. This should be approached by the practitioner with respect and great humility.
I never gave the presence of energy work during massage much thought until one day a client came to me and asked if I could do a massage without "all that Reiki stuff". At first I was a bit shocked, then a split second later wondered if I actually could do massage without the presence of Reiki. The answer I gave was "I could perform the massage setting that intent". I then shared with my client my perplexion towards the question, that no one had ever asked that before and wondered why she did ask it. She explained to me that Reiki was against her religion.
At that instant I processed several emotions, none of them constructive. I chose to simply accept her answer and left it at that. Several weeks later I had a chance to discuss the situation with my client in a more objective manner. It ended up that my client had several misperceptions of what Reiki is. After explaining to my client what Reiki was really about, I agreed to continue massage with them without Reiki.
I came to realize that no matter how benign I believe Reiki is, others may have different perceptions. If I do not respect the perceptions of my clients, I am not doing my job as a therapist. I believe a client should be informed, and consent given before any energy work is performed on a conscious level. I state conscious because we are always sharing energy in different ways on subconscious levels. That is fodder for different post.
In Peace and Light