Reiki... I use the more generic term "energy therapy"... is a constant reminder that there exists a force greater than myself, that guides me, assists me, and is ALWAYS working for my highest good, even if I don't always get what I want.
I speak for myself only, although I truly believe everyone can tap into this energy, without help from anyone else.
To be able to channel this energy to another being is a great gift. I feel that more each day. Although I see the value of attunements for those uncertain of their abilities, I don't think they are necessary. Ask and you shall receive. Trust and allow. Practice, practice, practice.
I'm not big on levels or symbols. I know too many rank beginners channeling more energy than many "Masters". Besides, you can buy all attunements you could possibly want on Ebay!
Traditional Reiki symbols are great as a focusing tool, but in and of themselves they do nothing for me. I have my own symbol for focusing purposes that came to me during an energy session. I encourage all lightworkers to ask for their own symbol in meditation or during an energy session, and let it become your "symbolic mantra".
The many offshoots of Reiki have me baffled. A quick Google search found this:
Alef Reiki
Angelic Reiki
Archangelic Reiki
Brahma Satya Reiki
Celtic Reiki
Christian Reiki
Crystal Reiki
Divine Light Reiki
Dos Rios Reiki
Dragon Reiki
Essential Reiki
Fire Serpent Reiki
Gayatri Reiki
Heart Reiki
Huna Reiki
Inga Reiki
Imara Reiki
Inner Light Reiki
Karuna™ Reiki
Komyo Reiki
Kundalini Reiki
Laxmi Reiki
Lightarian™ Reiki
Lotus Petal Reiki
Maori Reiki
MariEl Reiki
Medicine Buddha Reiki
Melchizedek Reiki
Original 7 degree Reiki
Purple Reiki
Pyramid Reiki
Reiki Brenham
Reiki Crystal Healing
Reiki Plus®
Sacred Moon Reiki
Seichim Reiki
Shamanic Reiki
Shamballa M-D Reiki
SKHM Reiki
Tera Mai Reiki
Tummo Reiki
Usui Reiki Ryoho
Vajra Tummo Reiki
Violet Flame Reiki
White Dove Reiki
White Light Reiki
YIKES! One Ebay seller boasts "180+ Modalities of Reiki". DOUBLE YIKES! It's all Energy to me, from a Higher Source, for the recipient's Highest Good. I have to admit I think all this "my kind of Reiki is different/better than yours" is just a way to make money. I'm sorry, I know I'll ruffle feathers with that statement, but that's how I feel.
So while my introduction to energy therapy was through a Reiki Master, to whom I will forever be grateful, my idea of what it is and what it means to me has been shaped and re-shaped over the years.
What it comes down to is this:It is what urges me to be the best human being I can be, every day. That is my life's purpose.