Mid Friday afternoon, finished all my calls out to clients and decided no point in heading back to the office, so why not a massage? Like a dolt I decided to try someplace new for me, but didn't settle on a plan. First I thought what about HFH? Was in the area, remember roughly where it was, but no dice, couldn't find it. Mental note, next time bring directions. So I ended up heading south at Weston Road, figuring I'd try a place out on Steeles. Eventually came across a place which had a sign which simply said 'Relaxing Massage', it's located about 5 or 6 lights west of the Hwy. 400 in a plaza at Pierce Road and Steeles, northwest corner of that intersection. MP faces Pierce. Never heard of the place, but thought, hey, why not. Greeted by an older Euro lady, probably mid-40s. She definitely wouldn't be appealing to all you guys who love the young tight bodies, but actually for a woman her age, in pretty good shape, especially nice rack on her. So why not. Thumbs up for me, I don't mind the older ladies, I'm no spring chicken myself either. Nice soft erotic massage and it was made clear to me that she planned on showing me a good time. Took her up on a nude reverse, which in her version was really a sexy BS with a bit of tongue action thrown in (not involving the centremen and the two wingers but close enough). Total cost $100. Plus after all the fun she insisted I turn back around and she gave me a further, firm relaxing masage, working out many of the kinks and knots in my back and legs. On the way out, saw one other attendant, older Oriental woman, somewhat attractive, dressed a bit trampy.