For quite a while, this was my favorite MP. My first couple of times there I was with Sonia, a rather large Russian woman - not fat, just "voluptuous," shall we say. She was very nice and dressed very sexy from the beginning. I believe she wore a white uniform, almost like a nurse's uniform. It was open quite a bit at the top, and was very short at the bottom. When I got the topless, she got down to her undies, and had no problem sticking all of her best parts very close to my face as she massaged me. Her release technique was fantastic. She also offered "Russian," which I declined. The door fee was $30 for 30 minutes, plus the standard extras. I wish so much I could find her again - I don't know what happened to her. It's been at least a year since I saw her. If anyone knows, please let me know.
On a subsequent visit, I was massaged by the woman who was, I believe, the owner. I forget her name, but it was definitely Russian. She had, by far, the longest nipples I have ever seen. That in itself was a worthwhile show.
On another visit I had a Hispanic woman who was pretty nasty - overweight, rude, lousy technique - all around yuck.
After that, the whole place got very weird. I would drop in, but they played this little game of denying that they did massages. After some back and forth, after they were convinced I was not LE, they agreed to do a massage. Then after that, I tried to set up an appointment over the phone, but they kept claiming they did not do massages. In their defense, this was during one of the big LE crackdowns in the area last year. However, I gave up playing the games with this place, and moved on.