Well, I see from your question and answers that The Truth has NOT BEEN TOLD! Obama and Pelosi were the last 2 left when Everyone else went for Christmas Vacation!
They Both Decided to take originally $582 Billion out of Medicare for Obama Health Care! Poof - there went the Cost of Living Increase for Next Year!
Now, The Figure is UP to $687 Billion for the first Payment of 4 Payments from Medicare! And Guess What? No One has Any Idea just How MUCH $$$ Will be in the Additional 3 payments for Their Version of Health Care! Well for the Next 3 Years - Unless This is STOPPED - There Won't Be Any Cost of Living Increase For Anyone on Social Security for Age or the Disabled!
Sorry Sir - They Did Mess with Our Medicare!
Now Remember that Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi and Barrack Hussein Obama are Progressive Democratic Attorneys! Not Doctors! There Are 2 Types of Reasoning between Attorneys and Physicians or Nurses (of which I Was a RN - Schooled And Licensed Originally in California in the 1970s)!
Now, I Refuse to Work in Medicine (after 16 years of University Training) because I don't have the Right anymore to say, "NO - I Can Not Be Any Part of this Abortion, because I Don't Believe In IT!) That RIGHT, Obama Took AWAY! It is a Choice of either Do It - Or You Lose Your License! So, I Quit, just as that LAW went to Affect!
When Obama and his people were in California. They were so Impressed with Kaiser Permanete Hospital Chain - That they Based their Idea for Health on THAT!
While in California, Working and Living there - That was the Hospital Group No One want to work at! It is Minimal Care - and Life Threatening to Many! It is also where all the Doctors and Nurses go when they are in Danger of Losing their Licenses from Mal-Practice Law - Suites! You Can Not sue a Doctor There or the Hospital for Mal-Practice! They have a 'Arbitration System' There! Most All the Time (92%) You Lose and they WIN, then YOU HAVE TO PAY THEM!
When Obama's Health - If it Goes All the Way In Affect - More Jobs Will Be Lost! You see - No One Can Challenge Any Decision Made by a Physician or a Nurse Assigned to YOU! 1 Person in Washington Will have The Full Decision of Saying Yeah or NEH! There Will Be No More Mal-Practice Attorneys In America! Sorry for them - They Lose Their Careers! After All Those Years in College! POOF - With Obama Care - It's All Gone!
Now, Is This WHAT YOU REALLY WANT????? A lady I know, who had a Bi-Later Breasts Mastectomy was Medically Discharged 3 hours after surgery! She went to her Doctors Appointment and he had to Call the Ambulance and have admitted for More Surgery and Treatment for Infection!
Another Friend of ours, recently in a Motorcycle Accident - Not his fault! Broke 4 Vertebra's that had to be FUSED! He was Medically Discharged 4 Hours after Surgery in a Hospital Wheelchair! He DIED 3 Days Later!
This is 2 Examples I know! I Could go on, but what's the use? You seem to have already made up your mind! But if you want More Examples - I Have Them!
I am Voting Against Anyone who is Supported By Anyone Connected with This Administration in November! I Pray the Rest of America Does the SAME!
Shalom and God Bless! Jane.