This my first experinece with a mp. I am from out of town, so I was looking up a couple of massage parlors over the internet. I really liked Natalia's pictures on the web site. So went down to Penthouse massage relitivly easy to find. I waited in the front room, and was met by a quit muscular woman, and was asked if I would like to stay, which I did. So Gina walked we into a room the was very pleasent and clean, and walked we through the run down of prices and services offered, I decided to go with a full service massage. This woman has bangin body, her face is little on the masculine side, but still pretty. Since she is very muscular the massgae was wonderful, we reversed and I rubbed her down for a bit while she pulled on my member. I played with her cookie for about 5 min's (only the outside) she did not like finger penetration. I could tell she was almost ready to come, got up and bent over the table and told me to fuck her hard from behind. Once inside her, she is very tight, with great muscle control. After the session was over. I asked some more questions about what is proper form when asking to see another girl. I did not ask to see Natilia, because I was too shy. But she said none of the girls seem to take things personal when asking for an new girl. But once the attendant is naked in front of you, thats the one you should stay with. She asked if would ike to meet Natalia, So I did get tto meet her, and I am going to go back and see her one of these days. All in all this was a very good experince for my first time.