As this will be my last review for a while, it's nice to be going out on a high note.
Quite frankly, the MP scene has left me broke, confused and frustrated, and what used to be part of the solution is now part of the problem. A serious late night MSN chat with a good friend last week convinced me a change was in order, and I've given myself a "no new MP" target of Victoria Day.
I'll still attend my sessions with Cyan, coz those give me something to look forward to, but I've noticed jumping from MPA to MPA causes problems, even if only once every couple of weeks. Just like some men can't pick up a liquor bottle or gamble, I can't step into an MP without having my buttons pushed.
IE> MP's "supercharge" my already high sex drive.
By committing my thoughts to paper it's not a dream anymore but a written goal, and one that I intend to follow through on. While I'm certainly not religious, Easter is a time for renewal, and I feel this is a good time to make the change.
Anyway, enjoy my review of Asha.
I was recently sitting at a local Tim Hortons, enjoying my morning coffee and muffin. A table of four 20 something white girls was sitting next to me, shooting the shit about nothing in particular. One of the girls was saying that she was Portuguese, but LOVED Indian culture. Her bedroom was obviously decorated in an Indian fashion, and she was looking forward to playing sari dressup at her friend's up-coming wedding. Another girl commented that she'd NEVER met a white person like girl number one, at which point I just about choked on my coffee....
No-one except ME my dear, and my user handle is no co-incidence. I cook a mean curry, and I dated probably a dozen different flavours of "brown" before I was married.
Hindu ? Yep. Muslim ? Yep. Sikh ? Yep. Trini ? Yep. Guyanese ? Yep. Sri Lankan ? Yep. Ugandan Indian ? Yep.
After my coffee I enjoyed the early spring weather with a drive to HFH, which as every massageplanet.netite knows is one of Toronto's premier spas, along with IT and SRM.
Kayla's announcement of Asha (first called Laura) joining the HFH team obviously intrigued me, coz if she's working at HFH with the other hotties you KNOW she's cute.... and Asha is. I'll take the blame for making the suggestion to Kayla regarding Asha's name. Calling this girl Laura was tantamount to calling Pamela Anderson "Gertrude"...
Enough said; and thanks for listening Kayla
Asha is brand new to the business, and I saw her very early in her career.
She's tall and slim, with smaller B cups and nice legs. Body wise she's not unlike ex-Ashley at SRM or perhaps a taller version of Tamara at B-Chain.... and that ain't whistling dixie my friends. Her face is classicly Indian, and you aren't gonna mistake her for anything OTHER than Indian. Overall, a nicely proportioned package.
I will say upfront that Asha's a little shy, and she has a STRONG Punjabi accent, so indepth conversation isn't really on the agenda. She speaks Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi, and I'm really hoping a native speaker will see her to more accurately judge her personality. That said, Asha's friendly, eye contact is regular, and she has a very nice smile.
Where Asha shines is her FANTASTIC attitude and willingness to please, within reasonable MP limits. She takes direction very well and insisted on helping me dry off after my shower. I can't remember the last time that happened.
Asha has a very nice touch, and I asked if perhaps she'd massaged BF's etc, coz she did extremely well for a beginner. Asha responded no, but she'd done some research on the web to learn how it was done.
God Bless the internet.
IMO Asha is a very positive addition to HFH, and to those massageplanet.netites who keep bugging the shit out of me for REAL Indian MPA's.... well, Asha's the girl for you !
I believe Asha has a VERY bright future as an MPA, and I'm sure you'll agree.
Session: 45 minute NR ($50 door, $100 donation inc. tip)
Massage: 8.5/10
Face: 8.25/10
Body: 8.25/10
Attitude: 9.5/10
Personality: 6/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Repeat: YES
Does MPA engage in head games ?: NO
As this will be my last review for a while, it's nice to be going out on a high note.
Quite frankly, the MP scene has left me broke, confused and frustrated, and what used to be part of the solution is now part of the problem. A serious late night MSN chat with a good friend last week convinced me a change was in order, and I've given myself a "no new MP" target of Victoria Day.
I'll still attend my sessions with Cyan, coz those give me something to look forward to, but I've noticed jumping from MPA to MPA causes problems, even if only once every couple of weeks. Just like some men can't pick up a liquor bottle or gamble, I can't step into an MP without having my buttons pushed.
IE> MP's "supercharge" my already high sex drive.
By committing my thoughts to paper it's not a dream anymore but a written goal, and one that I intend to follow through on. While I'm certainly not religious, Easter is a time for renewal, and I feel this is a good time to make the change.
Anyway, enjoy my review of Asha.
I was recently sitting at a local Tim Hortons, enjoying my morning coffee and muffin. A table of four 20 something white girls was sitting next to me, shooting the shit about nothing in particular. One of the girls was saying that she was Portuguese, but LOVED Indian culture. Her bedroom was obviously decorated in an Indian fashion, and she was looking forward to playing sari dressup at her friend's up-coming wedding. Another girl commented that she'd NEVER met a white person like girl number one, at which point I just about choked on my coffee....
No-one except ME my dear, and my user handle is no co-incidence. I cook a mean curry, and I dated probably a dozen different flavours of "brown" before I was married.
Hindu ? Yep. Muslim ? Yep. Sikh ? Yep. Trini ? Yep. Guyanese ? Yep. Sri Lankan ? Yep. Ugandan Indian ? Yep.
After my coffee I enjoyed the early spring weather with a drive to HFH, which as every massageplanet.netite knows is one of Toronto's premier spas, along with IT and SRM.
Kayla's announcement of Asha (first called Laura) joining the HFH team obviously intrigued me, coz if she's working at HFH with the other hotties you KNOW she's cute.... and Asha is. I'll take the blame for making the suggestion to Kayla regarding Asha's name. Calling this girl Laura was tantamount to calling Pamela Anderson "Gertrude"...
Enough said; and thanks for listening Kayla
Asha is brand new to the business, and I saw her very early in her career.
She's tall and slim, with smaller B cups and nice legs. Body wise she's not unlike ex-Ashley at SRM or perhaps a taller version of Tamara at B-Chain.... and that ain't whistling dixie my friends. Her face is classicly Indian, and you aren't gonna mistake her for anything OTHER than Indian. Overall, a nicely proportioned package.
I will say upfront that Asha's a little shy, and she has a STRONG Punjabi accent, so indepth conversation isn't really on the agenda. She speaks Hindi, Urdu and Punjabi, and I'm really hoping a native speaker will see her to more accurately judge her personality. That said, Asha's friendly, eye contact is regular, and she has a very nice smile.
Where Asha shines is her FANTASTIC attitude and willingness to please, within reasonable MP limits. She takes direction very well and insisted on helping me dry off after my shower. I can't remember the last time that happened.
Asha has a very nice touch, and I asked if perhaps she'd massaged BF's etc, coz she did extremely well for a beginner. Asha responded no, but she'd done some research on the web to learn how it was done.
God Bless the internet.
IMO Asha is a very positive addition to HFH, and to those massageplanet.netites who keep bugging the shit out of me for REAL Indian MPA's.... well, Asha's the girl for you !
I believe Asha has a VERY bright future as an MPA, and I'm sure you'll agree.
Session: 45 minute NR ($50 door, $100 donation inc. tip)
Massage: 8.5/10
Face: 8.25/10
Body: 8.25/10
Attitude: 9.5/10
Personality: 6/10
Fun Factor: 8/10
Repeat: YES
Does MPA engage in head games ?: NO