Date: 03/05/11
Provider: L***
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: New Orleans
State: Louisiana
Address: French Qtr
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: 1/2 massage
Session Length: 30 mins
Fee: 60
Hair Length and Color: Black, mid-upr back
Age: late 40s to early 50s
Smoking Status: Unknown
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Approx 5'5", 100 to 110 lbs. The massage was rushed (5 mins maybe) on the upper back and shoulders, very uninspiring. Offered HJ, BJ, FS+ after that but got a really bad feeling and booked it out of there. Something was not right--very pushy and willing to deal on extras. Highly suggest avoiding this place.
Recommendation: NO
Provider: L***
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website: -
City: New Orleans
State: Louisiana
Address: French Qtr
Appointment Type: Spa
Activities: 1/2 massage
Session Length: 30 mins
Fee: 60
Hair Length and Color: Black, mid-upr back
Age: late 40s to early 50s
Smoking Status: Unknown
Ethnic Background: Asian
Physical Description: Approx 5'5", 100 to 110 lbs. The massage was rushed (5 mins maybe) on the upper back and shoulders, very uninspiring. Offered HJ, BJ, FS+ after that but got a really bad feeling and booked it out of there. Something was not right--very pushy and willing to deal on extras. Highly suggest avoiding this place.
Recommendation: NO