I didn't see anybody slam Wooderson. I've seen negative reviews of Cameron before. Sometimes there will be no chemistry with a client, other times she might just be too tired, overworked or possibly rushed because it is ofetn difficult to stay on schedule with each guy trying to prolong a session be 5 minutes or so. I accept Wooderson's comments as a fair, honest review.
MP Dude is always a bit bombastic, but he has been seeing Cameron since her early IT days and is a big fan. There was a time when only MP Dude, Lal and I where members of the Cameron fan club, or at least posted about her. I don't read MP Dude's comments as a flame or attack on Wooderson at all.
I see a lot of comments about HFH and IT regulars jumping on guys for negative reviews, and I'll admit, I have seen that far too much. But there also seems to be a groups of guys that will do anything to to try to slam these two establishments and discredit their clients who post. Yes, there are a lot of nice MPAs in the GTA. Yes, there are lots of other well-run MPAs, and some of these are licenced. Instead of trying to hurt the reputation of these Spas, it would be far more constructive to post constructive reviews about these other MPAs and Spas. I'm sure Fred would like this far better as well.
I have no problem with negative reviews. These are probably more helpful than blindly positive ones. In my time on these boards, I've never seen Kayla or Paul have problems with a well meaning negative review. They use these reviews to help their staff improve.
Abraham Lincoln one said: You cannot make your own house better by tearing down the house of another.