Room size
I appreciate the idea of trying out the space with my table, stool and another body. I will ask the landlord about this tomorrow. I am sure he will let me do it and it will seal or break the deal. I am unable to have him knock down the open wall, as it is a load bearing wall. The French door is a problem either way. If it swings in, it will probably hit the table, if it swings out it will swing into the little, narrow hallway where clients enter the front door. I would do my intakes at a table and chairs set up in that hallway. I am still trying to figure it all out, as I have never had such a "visible from the street" opportunity and I feel it could increase my business enough to offset the extra rent expense. He wants $450 plus electricity.. ...and for this area and the size of the space, age of the space, one back of the building parking spot and other onstreet parking at least a block away (this is Minnesota...we have a hellish winter for walking anywhere), etc. it is overpriced, but location,location,location...LOL!
My other option on the back burner, is a larger space in an office building, main floor, across from a nice bathroom in a building where I had rented back in 2004. This space is only $195 a month, but again, no visibility from the street and I will be in the same boat that I always seem to be in as far as attracting new clients from people actually seeing where I am. So, on goes the research and hopefully soon a conclusion!
Thanks for all of your input! I really appreciate it.