Hamermill, when you are from St. Louis and much of your focus has been on escorts and massage parlors such as HFH and B and S, it is difficult to gain the kind of familiarity you mentioned concerning Sabrina, ect. Yes, I have used the search function on numerous occasions----sometimes more specifics are needed. For example, in all my searches, I could not find Sabrina's phone number. (Thank you, XSX!) I saw this as a good time to gain more specific information. (Also, many of my posts have involved information exchanges on a wide array of topics discussed here on massageplanet.net.) My trip is now only a few days away and my final concentration has been on gaining in-depth information on the very best (legit +) massage providers. If I were fortunate enough to live in Toronto, your above comment would ring true. However, in my particular situation, I am hopeful that my continuing thirst for information will lead to a memorable trip! ----Dr. Moe