On mycourse we were offered these questions to think about, and use for our development, and I thought HPers might be interested and have an opinion. My initial thoughts are in italics.Practitioner Research QuestionsWhat makes me a safe and effective practitioner?
What sort of patients am I seeing?
How can I evaluate the benefits of their consulting me?
How can I track adverse events and critical incidents that happen as a result of my treatments?
How am I using these difficult cases and unusual interactions with patients as a learning opportunity?
How well am I communicating with colleagues?
What should my professional aims and objectives be this year........and for the next five years?
What follows are my initial responses.
What makes me a safe and effective practitioner? The best training I can afford, taking into consideration each client's individual needs within a class, and open communication with my clients
What sort of patients am I seeing? For exercise, typically those with low back pain. Also asthmatics, and stressed individuals. For EFT, smokers, phobics, chronically stressed, low self esteem. For Reiki, no specific type.
How can I evaluate the benefits of their consulting me? Communication - verbal, and am working on feed-back responses - perhaps a form. Thisis recorded in a reflective journal and my strengths acknowledged or practice changed as a result of critical analyisis.
Also my observations of howclients hold themselves posturally and spiritually.
How can I track adverse events and critical incidents that happen as a result of my treatments? Self-reflective journal.
How am I using these difficult cases and unusual interactions with patients as a learning opportunity? Treat them as they arise as a learning opportunity - Ok I didn't get it right that time - how can I progress my practice? Do I need more training? Am I taking too much on in terms of work-load?
How well am I communicating with colleagues? Hmm - that's not so easy. I have a small core of colleagues I'm in touch with, and I use my association's forum - trouble is no-one else does much! I think I communicate quite well, but this is something I have to address to make satisfactory - feedback required here.
What should my professional aims and objectives be this y
What sort of patients am I seeing?
How can I evaluate the benefits of their consulting me?
How can I track adverse events and critical incidents that happen as a result of my treatments?
How am I using these difficult cases and unusual interactions with patients as a learning opportunity?
How well am I communicating with colleagues?
What should my professional aims and objectives be this year........and for the next five years?
What follows are my initial responses.
What makes me a safe and effective practitioner? The best training I can afford, taking into consideration each client's individual needs within a class, and open communication with my clients
What sort of patients am I seeing? For exercise, typically those with low back pain. Also asthmatics, and stressed individuals. For EFT, smokers, phobics, chronically stressed, low self esteem. For Reiki, no specific type.
How can I evaluate the benefits of their consulting me? Communication - verbal, and am working on feed-back responses - perhaps a form. Thisis recorded in a reflective journal and my strengths acknowledged or practice changed as a result of critical analyisis.
Also my observations of howclients hold themselves posturally and spiritually.
How can I track adverse events and critical incidents that happen as a result of my treatments? Self-reflective journal.
How am I using these difficult cases and unusual interactions with patients as a learning opportunity? Treat them as they arise as a learning opportunity - Ok I didn't get it right that time - how can I progress my practice? Do I need more training? Am I taking too much on in terms of work-load?
How well am I communicating with colleagues? Hmm - that's not so easy. I have a small core of colleagues I'm in touch with, and I use my association's forum - trouble is no-one else does much! I think I communicate quite well, but this is something I have to address to make satisfactory - feedback required here.
What should my professional aims and objectives be this y