No shit....speaking of which, I saw a friend while down in the city and after working all day in the blazing sun, I got to the hotel room, turned on the a/c and crashed on the bed....I woke up about an hour later and she'd turned OFF the a/c and opened the window....then when we went out to dinner, she gets into the truck and immediately proceeds to fiddle with the a/c controls and sets the defrost on, and the a/c on max. I was thinking, just a little presumptuous but kept my mouth shut (but turned everything back to how I like it...I don't run the a/c much because it dries out my contacts and makes it seem infinitely hotter when you get we were only going a few blocks).
So the next day I asked a guy who was working with me (older) so, was what she did just a little kind of, over stepping boundaries? His response? "by now, don't you realize that women can do whatever they want"??? lol.....