My thoughts are that it seldom hurts to strengthen. Helping to retrain the mind and body in order to reverse a scoliosis takes time. My thoughts on core strengthening are less positive, at least as it is often applied (maybe another thread). Is it realistic to expect her (or anyone) to suck it in all of the time?
My perspective is that the scoliosis (idiopathic) is maintained by the soft tissue and bony changes that result from an undetermined cause. If you google research on idiopathic scoliosis, the jury is out as to the cause. Plenty of theories (including mine). Unless you free the binding soft tissue wall of tightness that holds them there, no amount of exercise will provide lasting change. Free up the soft tissue and the bones have a chance to reform to where they once were. But, as you make changes, overall and selective toning will be a great asset.